viernes, 7 de marzo de 2008


In the Greek mythology Heracles (in ancient Greek ' Hera's glory ') was a hero and DEMIGOD, son of Zeus and Alcmena and great-grandson of Perseo. In the Roman mythology he was called Hercules. It can be said that he was the biggest of the mythical Greek heroes, the paragon of the excellent masculinity, his extraordinary bent one of his attributes. He was, according to Pausanias, the last son that Zeus generated with mortal women in Greece. They tell themselves many histories on his life, being the most famous Hercules’s Twelve tasks

Birth and infancy

A few months after his birth, Hera sent two serpents to kill while he was sleeping in his cradle. Heracles strangled a serpent with every hand and was found by his babysitter playing with their exhausted bodies as if they were toys.
A version of the origin of the Milky Way is that Zeus cheated Hera so thats he was nursing the infant Heracles. When she discovered the one who he was, he separated it of her chest and a jet of her milk formed the spot that crosses the sky and that we can now see since then

Twelve tasks
In an attack of madness provoked by Hera, Heracles killed his own children and two of his nephews with his own hands. On awakening and discover the terrible acts that he had committed, he felt a terrible pain, and did not want to continue living with Mégara (other versions say that also Mégara was murdered together with his children by the madness that Hera cansed him).
In penance for this execrable action the sibyl oracle said to him that he had to carry out ten works that throe Euristeo was arranging, the man who had usurped his legitimate right to the wreath and whom more he hated. Heracles carried out all of them successfully, but Hera said to Euristeo he should think that in two of the works he had failed, since he had received help, so he arranged two more, that Heracles also completed makes a whole of twelve.

To kill Nemea's lion. 1.
To kill the hidra of Lerna's lake. 2.
To reach to Cerinia's deer. 3.
To capture to Erimanto's wild boar. 4
. To clean Augías's stables. 5.
To finish with the birds of the lake Estínfalo. 6
. To tame to the wild bull of Crete. 7.
To steal the mares of the king Diomedes de Thrace. 8.
To conquer the Amazons and to take Hipólita's belt. 9
. To kill Gerión and to steal his flocks from him. 10
. To steal the golden apples of the Garden of the Hespérides. 11
To be going to seek for Cerbero, to the hells, and to take it to Euristeo. 12


The historian and scholar Rodrigo Caro (XVIIth century) gives credit to a legend that holds that Seville was founded by the same Hercules. Though Rodrigo Caro is superseded by modern investigative archaeologists, thanks to his methods and research scientific, to the thread of Hercules' legend in the low Andalusia there exists evidently a tradition that has persisted to many centuries about the hero who, navigated rivers and seas and went out to pasture for these lands

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